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 address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

Nose washing device

wirter: read 2473 ci time:2012年8月18日 daying

Through the warm salt water sterilization, killing bacteria in the nasal cavity, allergens, effectively alleviate the symptoms of rhinitis
By pulsating current to scab ( commonly known as booger ) and secretions plugging the nostrils of material directly from the nasal cavity washed out, so that the nasal patency, breathing.
·pulsating frequency and nasal cilia beat frequency is close to the normal, can help restore normal swing by nasal cilia
·saline on nasal tissue swelling and edema can play a very good repair, thereby eliminating swelling and edema, effectively relieve symptoms of nasal obstruction
·relative to the drugs and operation, and direct role in the nasal cavity, obvious effect, green, safe, healthy
And two times a day, each time only 3 minutes, can use in the home, simple operation, convenient

shangyipian: Saline nasal wash origin |
xiyipian: Saline nasal wash some attention points
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address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone    mob:0516-85795556 85800740
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