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 address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

What kind of people susceptible to allergic rhinit

wirter: read 2610 ci time:2012年8月18日 daying

Allergic rhinitis is the essence of type I allergy, allergy must have 3 conditions are specific antigen, specific individual and specific antigen and specific individual encounter, so having a specific individual or allergies are easy to suffer from allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis patients with allergies, also known as atopic individuals. Some of the most harmless to normal once the role of antigenic substances in the pathogenesis of atopic individuals can be. Research shows, allergic rhinitis patients also often have family history and the history of other allergic diseases.
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address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone    mob:0516-85795556 85800740
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