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 address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

Allergic rhinitis is how arise?

wirter: read 2662 ci time:2012年8月18日 daying

The pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis is a type I allergic reaction. Inhalation allergen, produced by binding to specific IgE in nasal mucosa of shallow layer and the surface of the mast cell, basophilic cell membrane, the nasal mucosa in allergic state. When inhaled nasal allergen again, allergen that mast cells and basophilic cells, white IgE bridging, and stimulate the cell membrane in a series of biochemical reactions, leading to histamine consisting mainly of a variety of mediators released. These medium through the nasal mucosa, gland vascular, nerve endings of the receptor, causing significant tissue reaction of nasal mucosa. Manifestations of resistance vasoconstriction ( nasal mucosal pallor ) or capacity vessel ( nasal mucosa was light blue, stuffy nose ), capillary permeability ( mucosal edema ) and other pathological changes of the body in hair, sensitivity, clinical performance, the clear mucus sneezing, nasal obstruction, nasal itching and other classic symptoms.
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address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone    mob:0516-85795556 85800740
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